03 - Autumn 2013
Greetings to ceiling cat and basement cat from cat tree cat!
Give me the treat now!
My paws are always fluffy.

I don't know why this crown has to be placed on my cat tree. It is obvious, that I am the Filou-Queen!
I like to show my spruce paws ...
... and sometimes I like to be a fluffy ball.
My roommate was asking me: "Filou, did you wallow in filth?"
"No, I never do such things!"
I can bee a Maru, too. ("Maru" means "circle".)
I hate this smell. Humans call it "deodorant", but I prefer another smell ...
... it's the wonderful smell of a heap of used clothes!
I assure, that nobody will attack this heap of clothes while I'm guarding it.
My roommate's boyfriend brought me a new toy, which smells like catnip.
It seems that somebody made a video while I was playing with it...