13 - Spring 2014
I knew that something extraordinary would happen. After having been in the cat carrier for a long time, I finally got out and noticed that I was in a new flat!

I think ...

... this is where I came from. I cannot go back, so ...

... I'm hiding under my roommate's boyfriend's bed.

However, ...

... the top of the bed is interesting as well.

This seems to be the kitchen. It's much bigger than the old one.

The bathroom is bigger, too.

There is another room! It seems to be the living room.

I don't know ...

... where to go! I am a little bit confused. Here is so much space!

I can go onto the cat tree ...

... or play with a feather.

But now ...

... I'm going to my roommate's bed (it's in a third room!) and soon I will sleep like the cat on this pillow. All in all, this was a very exciting day and all the cardboard boxes and stuff standing in this flat make me think, that we moved house. So I hope that we will stay here for a long time and that I never have to go back to a small flat like the old one.