35 - Winter 2015
My roommate visited Worsten and Gieserich.
"Seems as if they were getting old."
"Worsten is 13 and Gieserich is 18 years old. But she still catches some mice."
"And Worsten?"
"He is too fat to catch any mice."
It's a winter wonderland out there!

Oh the weather outside is frightful
But the fire is so delightful
Since we've no place to go
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

My roommate said: "I like the way your paws hang down from the cat tree."
"Me too."
My roommate said: "Filou-Queen! How often did I tell you, not to play with the backpack?"
"Very often. But this is your boyfriend's backpack. And he never told me not to play with it. Actually, he considers it to be cute when I play with his backpack. Because he considers everything I do to be cute. You should take a leaf out of his book."
My roommate was asking: "What is this?!"
"I don't know. You boyfriend has left this so. I'm just using what was given to me."
"Okay, that seems to be plausible. But why did you have to put the socks out of the drawer?"
"That was necessary."
"They stank."
"They are freshly washed."
"That's just why! They smell better when they are worn."
My roommate was asking: "Filou-Queen, are you in the blanket again?"
"No, I'm not."
"Well ... your tail is hanging out of the blanket."
"That never happened."
Once, this area was occupied by the usurper as you can see from the traces he left on this chair. But now I recaptured it.
However, not only Findus leaves traces. These are the ones that I left when I escaped from the hairdryer.