15 - Spring 2014
What's that?

I have to check whether this is dangerous or not.

Um ...

... it seems not to be dangerous, but it smells a little bit strange ... it's the smell of another cat!

And there are new feeding bowls, which have to be examined.

They are bigger than the old ones, but seem to be okay.

I think, it's safe to eat out of the feeding bowls.

I'm blocking the door, because I don't want it to be closed. If you close it and I sit in the corridor, I will mew. If you open the door, I will dash in, but if you close it again, I will mew. If you let me out and close the door, I will mew again - until you give up and let the door open.

My roommate was asking: "Filou-Queen, where are you?"

"You're not in the cat tree ..."

"... you're not on the windowsills ..."

"... you're not on the bed ..."

"... wait ... you're IN the bed!"